El Bandarra Vermouth Rose
From Barcelona and relatively recently new to the market, El Bandarra is our newest vermouth to hit our shelves
The Vermouth category as a whole has been enjoying some time in the sun in the last decade or two.
Even if you don’t know much about the specifics of vermouth, you’ve almost certainly had it before – if only because it’s a key component in the most popular cocktails of the early 20th century and the modern era.
It is a fortified and aromatised drink, made with a base of wine, fortified with neutral spirit, and flavoured with botanicals and other ingredients, most significantly wormwood (or wermut in German, hence the origins of the name).
White vermouth is made with white wine. Rosé vermouth, as you can probably guess, is made with rosé. Dry vermouth is white vermouth with no additional sweetners, and is the one of the two ingredients in a dry martini alongside vodka or gin.
Sweet, or red, vermouth is sometimes made with a base of red wine, but more often is made with white wine and darkened with caramel. Either way, it’s the part that adds body and sweetness to a manhattan, and is the third ingredient in a negroni after gin and Campari.
This is the context in which most people know vermouth, but in Catalonia it’s just as often drunk neat on the rocks, possibly with a touch of soda to lengthen the drink.
Bottle Size: 1 litre